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Quality Management System

The following activities were carried out by the Mundicenter Group as part of a sustainable management strategy:

1. Management and Maintenance of the Mundicenter Buildings

  • Quality Certification (ISO 9001:2000 standard)
  • Environmental Certification (ISSO 14001:2004 standard)

2. Quality Air

Periodic audits to the quality of air. The purpose of these audits is to ensure that the HVAC systems distribute good quality air inside the buildings.

3. Energy Efficiency

As a result of a focused approach to the rational use of equipment and of negotiations on energy prices, Mundicenter has been able to reduce costs and consumption.

4. Computer Aided Maintenance (CAM)

Asset management software covering all activities related with equipment maintenance and management. This software is used to monitor and supervise the equipment on a regular basis, including its registration and preventive and corrective maintenance, providing constant updating of statistics and indicators required for cost management and quality control.

5. Pontos Eletrão - Amb3e Waste Disposal Sites in the Mundicenter Shopping Centres

In 2021, 1 .178,4 tonnes of cardboard were collected and turned in for recycling – each tonne of recycled paper leads to saving 15 to 20 trees.

In 2021, 15,1 tonnes of glass were collected, reducing the consumption of energy needed to produce glass from recycled glass.

Collection of 1,3 tonnes of lamps and their disposal and safe destruction, to avoid undesirable environmental pollution.

In 2021, 75,3 tonnes of plastic were collected

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